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Whitewater Rowing Course
Welcome and Whitewater Skills Worksheet (2:14)
River Safety: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Rafting (8:54)
River Safety: Four Behavioral Whitewater Hazards (4:10)
River Safety: Four Environmental Whitewater Hazards (6:54)
The Anatomy of a Raft (4:32)
Inflating a Raft (5:23)
Cataraft Basics (4:49)
Choosing the Right Oar Length and Frame (2:46)
Oar Frame Position (3:35)
Flip Lines (2:05)
Carabiners (3:46)
Class II Rowing and Safety Skills
Class II Introduction and Welcome (0:39)
Rowing Body Mechanics (4:00)
Reading Water: Hydraulics 101 (7:44)
Reading Water: Recognizing Hazards 101 (8:36)
Reading Water: Shooting the V and Cutting the C (4:54)
River Navigation: International Scale of River Difficulty
River Navigation: Ferrying 101 (8:27)
River Navigation: Catching Eddies 101 (12:37)
River Safety: River Signals and Communication (14:53)
River Safety: Defensive Swimming (3:08)
Class III Rowing and Safety Skills
Class III Introduction and Welcome (0:51)
Reading Water: Recognizing Hazards 201 (12:52)
Reading Water: Hydraulics 201 (11:12)
River Navigation: Oar Management 101 (5:19)
River Navigation: Catching Eddies 201 (13:11)
River Navigation: Pulling from the Line to Danger (9:40)
River Navigation: Surfing Waves (8:21)
River Navigation: Ferrying 201 (9:26)
Knots and Rescue: The "Big Three" Knots (7:01)
Knots and Rescue: Tying up Your Boat (7:11)
Knots and Rescue: Personal Rescue Equipment (PRE) for Rafting (5:11)
Knots and Rescue: Getting Your Raft Unstuck (15:08)
Knots and Rescue: Boat Based Anchors (11:25)
Knots and Rescue: Land Based Anchors (10:40)
Knots and Rescue: Throwbags 101 (9:42)
Knots and Rescue: Boat Flipping 101 (8:38)
River Safety: Scouting Rapids from Shore (4:55)
Equipment: Basics of Raft Repair (18:33)
Class IV Rowing and Safety Skills
Class IV Introduction and Welcome (0:50)
Reading Water: Holes vs. Pourover Holes (5:35)
River Navigation: Using River Features (15:19)
River Navigation: Pushing Aggressive Moves (10:25)
River Navigation: The Downstream Ferry (12:18)
River Navigation: Oar Management 201 (4:15)
River Navigation: Catching Eddies 301 (14:16)
River Navigation: Surfing Pourover Holes (11:11)
River Safety: Boat Order and Spacing (14:42)
River Safety: Big Picture Scene Safety (16:53)
Knots and Rescue: Oar Boat Flipping 201 (12:16)
Knots and Rescue: Throwbags 201 (8:34)
Knots and Rescue: Advanced Knots (7:37)
Knots and Rescue: Managing Raft Pins and Wraps (6:06)
Knots and Rescue: Contents of a Safety/Pin/Wrap/Z-rig Kit (7:27)
Knots and Rescue: Safety When Using Mechanical Advantage (7:29)
Knots and Rescue: Setting up 3:1 Mechanical Advantage (14:21)
Class V
Class V Introduction and Welcome (2:16)
Knots and Rescue: Vector Pull (4:07)
Knots and Rescue: Cataraft 45 Second Flip Test (2:05)
Knots and Rescue: Oar Boat Flipping 301 (5:00)
River Navigation: Lining Oar Rafts (9:49)
Knots and Rescue: Boat Based Anchors
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